von Lucas Luber
After a very successful Kickstarter campaign, the metal figures for "The Alps Aflame" are now regularly available on my website! Over 40 new sets, ...
von Lucas Luber
Hi guys,
finally the miniatures from my third Kickstarter are now available in the shop!
I hope that you will enjoy the Würzburg and Hessen-Darmsta...
von Lucas Luber
Hi guys,
The metal sets from my second Kickstarter (cavalry and artillery) are now available on the website! :) I hope you like them!
von Lucas Luber
Hi guys,It took me like forever, but finally the first metal sets are available on my website! The infantry is first, artillery and cavalry will co...
von Lucas Luber
Hi guys,it´s finaly time to get your STL files! Here is a short tutorial on how to get your files.
Step 1: In the email, click on "Activate your ac...
von Lucas Luber
Ich grüße euch! Schön, dass ihr hier her gefunden habt. Diese Seite soll zu Beginn vor allem als Plattform dafür dienen, die digitalen Inhalte des ...
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